Prédiction et intégration des données
Sunday, 19 April, 2015 - 16:15 to 18:15

Risk classification with a blockwise kernel machine model
Assistant Professor, Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University

Evolution: The Nexus of Data Integration in Personal Genomics
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical Genetics, University of Calgary

Analysis of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Data in Cordblood and Placenta Tissues: An Integrative Approach
PhD Student, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University
Poster: 56

Efficient Dimension-reduction Technique for the Joint Analysis of Correlated Phenotypes
Graduate student, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University
Poster: 93
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